Course Syllabus

Sample Course Syllabus 

The following is a sample of a course syllabus for online classes. There are unique items for online learning including the Assessment Methods, Netiquette Guidelines, Camera Guidelines, Grading, Course Policies, Accessibility of Course Material, Technical Requirements, and Canvas Orientation Material. Inclusion of these items may help to orient students and help clarify expectations when taking their first online class. 


Title of Course, Course Prefix and Number 

(For example: Business Communications, BUSE 119) Semester/Year, Course ID Number 

Fully Online Course 

Course Description 

Use wording from college catalog to complete this Course Description section. 

Instructor Information 

  • Name (preference for how you want students to address you) College, Office Bldg & room number 
  • Online Office Hours
  • District Email Address
  • Office Phone Number 

Email info: (Indicate if you have an email preference for student contact) (For example: Please use Canvas Inbox to contact me throughout the semester. If you write to me using Canvas, I will respond to you within 48 hours.) 

Course Prerequisites/Advisories (if any) 

Use wording from the college catalog to complete this section. 

Course Outcomes 

Upon completion of this course you will be able to: 

  • Outcome 1 
  • Outcome 2 
  • Outcome 3 

Textbook and Materials 

Required Textbook: (enter title, ISBN)  

Recommended Text(s): (enter title, ISBN)  

Access Code:  

Where to Purchase & Cost

  • A
  • B
  • C

Additional Materials & Software:

  • A
  • B
  • C

Assessment Methods 

This course will use various methods to assess your learning of the course objectives. You will read the textbook, take short quizzes, and submit written assignments. You will participate in discussion board topics with your classmates, applying what we learn in the readings to our outside world. Some group work may be assigned. Since this is an online course, all assessments (quizzes, assignments, and discussions) will be done online, using the learning management system and the additional materials and software listed above. 

Netiquette Guidelines 

Respectful behavior is expected of you in our online learning environment. Please read the SDCCD Netiquette Guidelines. 

Course Policies

(Use these policies or adapt them for your course) 

Plagiarism/Academic Integrity 

Students must adhere to the policies and procedures of the San Diego Community College District, as well as all federal, state, and local laws. Students are subject to charges of misconduct concerning, but not limited to, the following acts as described in Policy 3100: The taking of and passing off as one’s own work or ideas of another; plagiarism and academic cheating. (Please refer to the District Student Code of Conduct). Your assignments may be scanned by an AI/Plagiarism Checker such as Turnitin. 

AI Tools 

Option 1: (Allowed) 

Students can use advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT or Dall-E) when noted for assignments in this course if it is properly documented and credited. For example, text generated using ChatGPT should include a citation such as: “Chat-GPT. (YYYY, Month DD of query). “Text of your query.” Generated using OpenAI.” Material generated using other tools should follow a similar citation convention. 


Critical Evaluation: Be aware that the information derived from these AI tools is often inaccurate or incomplete. Students must critically evaluate the output of AI tools, considering potential biases and limitations, and corroborate information obtained from AI tools with other credible sources. 

Option 2: (Conditional)  

Students are allowed to use generative AI such as ChatGPT, Dall-E 2, CoPilot) on assignments in this course if instructor permission is obtained in advance. Unless given permission to use those tools, each student is expected to complete each assignment without substantive assistance from others, including automated tools. 

Option 3: (Not Allowed) 

Use of an AI Generator such as ChatGPT, MidJourney, DALL-E, etc. is explicitly prohibited unless otherwise noted by the instructor.  Additionally, be aware that the information derived from these tools is often inaccurate or incomplete. It’s imperative that all work submitted should be your own. Any assignment that is found to have been plagiarized or to have used unauthorized AI tools may receive a zero and/or be reported for academic misconduct. 

Option: Additional Examples  

This resource is a crowd-sourced public document from other educators who have offered to share their policies. This resource contains discipline-specific examples that can be sorted by course and discipline. Syllabi Policies for gAI Tools 

Camera Guidelines 

This class has online meetings using Zoom. Class meetings are recorded. I will share the video recordings only with students in this class. When you attend the online class meetings, you give me permission to record your image and/or voice in the recording. If you do not want your image and/or voice in the recording, you can change your public name, and/or turn off your camera. Also, you are not required to attend the online class meetings. You can watch the recordings at a later time. 

Online Attendance 

You are expected to login and begin the coursework assigned to you on the first day of the course. This is a [Fully Online/Partially Online/HyFlex] course with XX required on-campus meetings. Even though we won’t be meeting each other on campus, you must login to Canvas several times a week to stay informed and meet deadlines. I recommend logging into the course daily. You must show continuous progress throughout the course or you may be dropped. Continuous progress is measured by attending class online, participating in the class discussions, and submitting assignments. 


Participation occurs in different assignments such as discussion boards, quizzes, assessments, and projects. You will have several opportunities to participate in the course. Follow the directions given on assignments carefully to receive full credit. 

Missed Quizzes 

If you will not be available to take an online quiz in this class, please notify the instructor if you need to take the exam early due to schedule conflicts. If you have testing accommodations through DSPS, please provide your authorized academic accommodation letter in a timely manner to allow for the accommodation to be implemented.  

Late/Missed Assignments 

Assignments submitted after the due date will receive partial credit. If you have accommodations through DSPS, please provide your authorized academic accommodation letter in advance of the accommodation being requested.  


Each activity in the course is assigned a specific number of points. Specific instructions and grading rubrics for each of these activities will be given on Canvas. Student grades are in the “My Grades” tool in Canvas. (Indicate the expected turnaround time for grading and rules for extra credit work or late work.) 




Due Date 


(15 postings x 10 pts. each)  


(11 quizzes x 10pts. each)  

lowest quiz score is dropped  

Written Assignment  

Creative Activity  

Final Project  

Total Points  









due ongoing throughout the Semester 

due ongoing throughout the 



Due Feb. 26th 

Due Apr. 9th 

Due May 14th 


Final Grades 

Your final letter grades are based on the total points that you earn in the course. 


Letter Grade 

Total Points Earned 


900 - 1000 points 


800 - 899 points 


700 - 799 points 


600 - 699 points 


Below 600 points 


Accessibility of Course Materials 

Ensuring the accessibility of this course to students with disabilities is important to me. I have made every effort to make this course accessible; however, if you encounter a problem accessing anything in the course, please contact me immediately. Students who have academic accommodation letters should send them to me as soon as possible so that I am able to provide the accommodation in a timely manner. Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodation for the first time should email me and should contact the college’s Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) office to initiate the accommodation request process: 


City College DSPS 

Mesa College DSPS 

Miramar College DSPS 

Continuing Education DSPS 


Tech and Software Requirements 

Please review the technical hardware and software requirements for online classes. (Add any tech or software requirements for this course) 

Canvas Orientation Material  

You are expected to know how to use the Canvas system. Orientation materials can be found in your Canvas course shell after logging in. For additional training material please visit the Online Learning Pathways Student Prep & Online Training (SPOT) You can also call or chat with the 24/7 Canvas Support at 1-844-612-7421 with any technical issue that you experience in Canvas. 


Include Date of revision