Course Syllabus



OER Textbook Review and Adoption Cohort  is designed for contract and adjunct faculty to review OER texts with the goal of implementing it into their course. 


  • Define OER and the 5 Rs
  • Identify ways OER can support your students' learning
  • Find relevant OER materials for your course
  • Describe why educators and students use OER
  • Identify key connections between OER and equit


Requirements for Completion

Compensation: Faculty who complete the OER TRAC (Training, + 1 drop-in session, + final project)  will receive ¼ (.25) Extended Service Unit (ESU).


  • OER TRAC Badge (Module 1)
  • Attend the OER TRAC session
  • Participate in one drop-in session with OER Librarian and Instructional Designer
  • Complete final project

Additional expectations

  • Planned implementation of OER textbook within 2 semesters
  • Serve as a mentor for the next cohort
  • Participate in data collection for research on effectiveness of OER

I understand and agree to the requirements listed above to receive compensation of .25 ESU.

Signature: _______________________________     Date: ______________


Course Summary:

Date Details Due